The first principle of Core Integration is that the body must relate continually to the physical force of gravity. The various segments of the body must be more or less aligned one on top of the other, or else the external muscles begin to labour to maintain the upright posture. Pelvis, abdomen, chest and head balance easily when their centres of gravity are in a line, so that the upright balance can come from the deep muscles which operate by reflex to relate the body to gravity.
People are ordinarily not aligned in this way, however. The easy relationship to gravity can be disorganized by many factors, accidents, misguided habits, and deep psychological and emotional traumas. Fascia or connective tissue is the all-pervasive web work of tissue, which holds the body in its shape. As we struggle to move in a gravity field, the fascia web work adapts to support our movement and the shape slowly changes.
The overall goal is to find a sense of balance, which comes from the core.
The body can be re-organized with the deep tissue manipulation and assisted stretches of Core Integration. Through years of experience I have developed a series of sessions, which systematically reorganize the whole body, proceeding from the outside layers to the deeper ones and bringing all the major segments into an integrated system of balance. The overall goal is to find a sense of balance, which comes from the core.
It is an interesting fact that this core balance is directly related to the core feeling of ones own being. When outer layers of the body release to permit the inner layers to function, a deeper awareness opens up. This is not only a physical experience, but also a sense of inner space. It is no accident that those centres of energy, which we call chakras, lay along the same central line of gravity.
The usual sense we have of ourselves and the world is based on characteristic patterns of tension. When we release these tensions move into the expanded balance of our core we find trust, balance and a deep sense of who we truly are.
The body can be re-organized with the deep tissue manipulation and assisted stretches of Core Integration
The benefits of Core Integration are extensive, neck, back, shoulder, and knee pain is reduced or banished. Standing and sitting is more comfortable even for long periods. A pronounced feeling of extra vitality, often described as feeling 10 years younger, is also reported. Most of all the dramatic improvement in body awareness, flexibility and posture leads to a greater ability to take care of oneself in various situations, driving, standing at work and in are relationships.
Another benefit of Core Integration is a much deeper experience of ones being, a dramatic change of consciousness. Thought patterns based upon contraction release and are replaced by a more expanded viewpoint.
To experience from the core is to take responsibility for our lives. To stop making the outside the problem. And to know our feelings, perceptions, relationships and work can be fulfilling and not so much lost in struggle.
Post by Satyarthi Peloquin