Since the beginning of life on earth, the most intimate activity has always been “touch”. From the very first moment of life, a baby needs to touch his/her mother. That first moment of meeting between the mother and the baby is extremely important for the beginning of their connection and intimacy. Mother and father are the first welcomers of the new-born. This is so precious and amazing.

If the baby is born as premature and cannot be touched by the parents, are more likely to be exposed to have more inflammations and diseases through their lives. There is something tremendously precious in the touch. Touch is love. Our heart is the center of love and compassion. When we touch someone we love and care we feel something amazing is happening to us with the presence of love.

Neglected word "touch"

If you have been to a massage therapist before or your partner gives you a massage from time to time, you will understand what I mean here: the moment you lie down, you can feel the divine love without any judgement through the touch of that person. At that point the art of touch begins to speak.

In the recent years, societies are more concerned with the connotations of the word “touch”; unfortunately, it is usually taken as sexuality or abuse. It has been condemned and neglected. In a healthy society with people who touch each other more, we would feel more relaxed, at ease and more nourished. There would be less stress and people would feel happier.

My journey with receiving and giving bodywork touch

Massage and Bodywork changed my life! More than 20 years ago, I begin receiving serios of Lomi Lomi Nui massage and opened up my body to love and sensitivity. It was the beginning of my spiritual journey and the gates were opened for me to study and practice further and profoundly many different types of massage such as; Ayurvedic, Deep Tissue, Osho, Rebalancing, Biodynamic, Craniosacral and Myofascial Energetic release. 

Every year, I have the privilege and honor to teach or give sessions of touch to hundreds of people from around the world and one thing I realize with every one of those people is that; after the massage, they change and leave my studio more happy, relaxed and at peace. The problems they carry with them do not matter anymore. The method we practice is not so important, each of the methods have their unique healing powers and they are all valuable; but one thing that matters is love and presence which is the %90 of the massage whereas only %10 is the technique. 

I don’t want to be misunderstood though, technique is very important; we should be aware of the anatomy and human physiology, but personally I would prefer to receive a loving touch from someone who is intuitively touching my body rather than a disconnected technician who has no love in his/her hands.

Connection and joy!

To summarize; let’s touch and get touch, ask for touch and bring love to this world through the touch. This changed my life and I am extremely happy to find this path to help others to open up for love with the magic of touch. 

Other amazing side effects of touch are; connection, contribution, creativity, fulfillment, sharing, intimacy, acceptance, meditation, vitality, wellbeing, peace, joy, healthcare, gratitude and emotional release.


  • From the following link you can watch my demo of lomi lomi nui – Hawaiian bodywork style:


  • Lomi training in Bali


  • For further reading about massage types you can click on the links below:



Nisarga Eryk Dobosz